Log in to FH OÖ - Digital Assessment
University Members Lecturers, university employees and students use their FH-Account, e.g: s1234567890@fhooe.at or p12345@fhooe.at
Lecturers, university employees and students use their FH-Account, e.g: s1234567890@fhooe.at or p12345@fhooe.at
FH OÖ – Digital Assessment
Accounts for the assessment platform:
Access to the assessment platform of the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences is possible for university members, persons with local accounts and guests.
Access data for study applicants:
As a study applicant or participant in the introductory tutorials, you will receive access data as a local user from the programme administration of the respective degree programme during the application process. If you have any questions regarding your access data, please contact the programme administration of the respective degree programme.
IT-Support: IT Servicedesk FH OÖ: servicedesk@fh-ooe.at
E-Learning-Support: TOP Lehre FH OÖ: elearning@fh-ooe.at
Access for guests
Some courses may allow guest access.